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Updated: Jun 10, 2021

Something I learned about making media is how to do a good interview. I learned how to ask open-ended questions in order to get a long good answer, that gives different point of view and you can make different conclusions.

My first interview I was nervous I had never done an interview before and I was wrong in how to read the questions. I did not know how to answer or how to ask about the questions for example as if I had doubts or ask open questions and have several points of view to see from different perspectives I hope to have one interview in the future and do it better than the first time.


Updated: Jun 10, 2021

While doing interviews I learned is that they have various points of view on improving the mental health of people who appear from mental health problems, their families support them and continue with their lives and that sometimes they are in a stage that everything overwhelms them or when they are something happens that the depress and that despite that they continue to fight and improve their quality of life and are better than ever


Below is a screenshot from our Collaborative research on Mental Health

And Below is what our research looked like finalized on the Group Collaborative Website.

During class we worked together in groups to do Collaborative Research on the topic of Mental Health. Throughout the workshop, we each contributed facts, tips and statistics about Mental Health. These were all put on a jamboard session and then this collaborative research was put onto the website.

I enjoyed it because I had so many ideas that I could add to the Jamboard sessions and I was able to practice more of my English and I learned more about Mental Health through both my research, as well as the research of my fellow classmates.

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