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During this workshop, I developed my visual literacy skills. I also strengthened my collaboration and teamwork skills by contributing my artwork alongside other students for the class website on Mental Health.

For our website, we had to create infographics on the topic of Self Care tips for Mental Health.

I chose to illustrate Self Care tip of 'Watching movies with family" as part of my contribution to the infographic.

It started as a sketch and then became digitized and added to a collaborative student infographic. Below you can see my initial sketch and the final product.

But I didn't stop there.... I kept drawing.

Below is the painting I created for our group Website on Mental Health. It was also used as an illustration on the group Resources page.

Sometimes when you see a picture, it's not just a picture, it's a connection to an emotion.

I was thinking about the topic of Mental Health and how important it is to talk to someone else about how you feel. When you find a connection to another person, you share your feelings, your emotions and feel comforted by them as a friend.

We're not alone and sometimes problems are better faced together with another person.

''Open your eyes''

''open your heart''

What I really like about EVC is that we all feel comfortable speaking on audio and from time to time we turn on the camera, they have made us feel very safe and confident.

Apart from the fact that they teach us super well, we are always making each other smile...

Even by chat we had a good time, we laugh a lot but not everything is relaxed, the work and drawing that we have done.

Something else that I like a lot about EVC is that we ask ourselves how each of us is doing, how the week went, what we did and also how we didn't feel specifically on that day.

Smiling is a privilege, we are all privileged.

We also talk about what we ourselves do when we don't feel good and tell ourselves what we could do with each other to make ourselves feel better.

We really chose a topic which represents us since we communicate with each other when we do not feel well or we feel tired and also the important things that happen in our day to day, for example a few days ago one of our teacher gave a she gave birth to her baby boy and showed us a photo.

As we can see here, there is the teacher's baby and we also see Joselyn, the face of Ms Joselyn is the one that represents us all so we all feel super happy that the baby was born well and especially because of the news, none of us knew about the status of the teacher even so we all wish her good health and many blessings.

And this is what I really like about EVC we can be ourselves, we work hard. they appreciate our work and if we don't know something they explain us 5 times if necessary .. thank EVC for everything.

Tips for doing community Interviews: They are my friends, but it was not an easy topic since not everyone feels comfortable talking about it. I think they taught me to have a little more passion when talking about topics like that and have a little empathy.

What I learned about doing community interviews:

I knew a little better the mental health of that person and learned other things about how to improve mental health.

Not everyone felt comfortable doing the interview at first but then we had a conversation instead of just asking things went easier.

A question that came up was: Is a mental health problem the same and an intellectual disability?

I interviewed Carlos Perez, on the left.

I also interviewed Braylin Trinidad, on the right.

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