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I collaborated with another student as I conducted a video community interview about Mental Health. When I interviewed him, I learned a lot about the importance of sharing personal stories about the impact of mental health. I then took a soundbite from our interview together and this soundbite was used in a class collaboration remix video on the topic of Mental Health.

Collaborating is important because sharing knowledge and pieces for a group project can help others learn from your own experience. These shared experiences can make for a strong group presentation.

When researching the topic of Mental Health, I learned about how to talk to others who may be experiencing problems with their mental health, such as depression. The most important thing I learned was about the proper ways to talk to a person in need when they ask for help and how to calm them down to make them feel better.

In this workshop, we learned about digital media and video interview skills. We were tasked with interviewing a member of our community about the topic of Mental Health.

I interviewed a fellow classmate on the topic of Mental Health. I learned that when you interview another person about a sensitive topic such as Mental Health, it's very important to make sure the person you are interviewing feels comfortable. When they are comfortable, they are a lot more willing to talk and elaborate about their experiences.

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